The London Survey.
[To IRS EDITOR Or T51 "Srscisros.” J should be very glad to know whether any of your readers could give me any information as to where I could find the rate books kept by the......
ELIJAH ON CARMEL. KINGS Xii.) TO-DAY our Church ponders the scene On Carmers height ; how that fierce throng, The prophets of the Punks queen, Called on their Baal loud and long......
Books For The Hospitals.
[To 273X EDITOR OF TRX "SPECTATOR...1 SIR, — Will you kindly insert the subjoined P—I am, Sir, &e., With the official sanction of the War Office and the Red Cross Society,......
The White Paper.
[TO THZ EDITOR Or 1HZ STECTATOH.1 SIR,—Many of your readers may be pleased to be reminded of Pope's lines complaining of a would-be poet's importunity in asking the great poet's......
1300 Ks.
THE MILITARY POLICY OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE.* WE rejoice in the republication of Pasley's famous essay, which made so wide a stir amongst our grandfathers and called forth the......
Relief Work For Ladies.
[To THE EDITOR OF THU "SrEcriron."1 SIR,—At a time when many ladies are thinking of coming up to London to help in relief work, it may be of use to some to know that Bishop......
Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...
or initials, or with, a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......