The Need For A Second Army.
[To THZ EDITOR OF THY " SFRCIATOR."1 SIR,—You say it is imperative that we should have at least half a million men in training. No doubt it is. Mr. Spenser Wilkinson, in the......
[To THE EDITOR OP TER "SPECTATOR. " } SIR, — The Spectator is doing splendid work in aid of recruit- ing, and it is greatly to be hoped that it will go on "rubbing in" the......
Objections To Joining.
lTo ma: EDITOR Or Tan " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—I am doing my best in this country parish to get young men to enlist. It is a district of bucolics, sluggish and slow to move. I begin......
The Prussian Peril.
[To THR EDITOR or TRY " SIIICTATOR.n read with great interest the review of Mr. Cramb's book in your last number. I should like to call the attention of your readers to a book......
LTO MR EDITOR Or rag " snicarcat."] Sin,—Will you allow an old and constant reader of the Spectator to make an earnest protest against the line you are taking with regard to the......