[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Seeing a notice recently in the Spectator of some magazines in Braille type for the blind, your readers may be interested to know that the first number of a monthly Church magazine, in Braille type, entitled "The Church Messenger," appeared on February 14th, consisting of forty pages, price is., post free, and containing the collects for the month, with explanations, Church history, Church notes, missionary work, sacred poetry, and a short story. Editors, Mrs. W. H. Langton, 20 Argyll Road, Kensington, W., and Miss M. E. Robertson, 11 Stanley Crescent, Notting Hill, W. Hon. secretary and treasurer, to whom all communications should be sent, Miss M. C. Langton, 7 Durham Villas, Kensington, W.