29 FEBRUARY 1896, page 2

The Troops Returning From Ashantee Arrived At The Royal...

Docks on Wednesday, and were received by Lord Wolseley, who made a speech warmly thanking them for their gallantry and conduct. It is remarked that neither they no the officers......

Mr. Goschen Made A Good Speech At Lewes On Wednesday

evening, in which he remarked on the singular disappearance- of party spirit from Parliament. This he attributed partly to the great victory gained by the Unionist party at the......

The Elections Of The Week Have Gone Against The Unionists.

Mr. John Morley came in for the Montrose Boroughs on Saturday by a greatly increased majority, namely 1993, where Mr. Shiress Will gained only a majority of 1132 seven months......

The Correspondents Of French And German Papers Have Been...

all the week that the Sultan has reopened the Egyptian question, and has demanded that Great Britain shall " regularise " her occupation of the Nile Valley. It is even affirmed......

In Tuesday's Debate, Which Was, On The Whole, Of No

great moment, the most interesting feature was a speech, warmly in support of the new rules, by Sir Robert Reid, the Attorney. General of Lord Rosebery's Government in 1894.......

Sir Francis Scott, Who Commanded The Expedition To...

who has such expelience of the Coast, is optimist as to the future of the country. Coomassie, he says, can be made healthy, the place beirg situated on a ridge of rocks 600 ft.......

The Discussion Of Mr. Balfour's New Rules Began On Monday

with a speech from Mr. Leonard Courtney, more or less favourable, though he asked for twenty-five nights (instead of twenty) for Supply, and asked that Supply should be divided......