29 FEBRUARY 1896, Page 2

The elections of the week have gone against the Unionists.

Mr. John Morley came in for the Montrose Boroughs on Saturday by a greatly increased majority, namely 1993, where Mr. Shiress Will gained only a majority of 1132 seven months ago. On Saturday Mr. Morley polled 4,565 votes to 2,572 given to his antagonist, Mr. John Wilson. On the same day Southampton returned Sir Francis Evans (Gladstonian) in place of Mr. Chatnberlayne (who was unseated on petition), by a majority of 35 over Mr. G. Candy (Conservative); for Sir F. Evans, 5,557, for Mr. Candy, 5,522. But in July last Mr. Chamberlayne obtained a majority of 788 over Sir Francis Evans. Again at Lichfield on Wednesday, Mr. Warner (Glad- stunian) got a majority of 528 over Major Darwin, his Liberal Unionist opponent, though seven months ago the Gladstonian majority was only 4k Neither in the Montrose Boroughs nor in Lichfield is there any loss of a seat ; but in all three polls the relative strength of the Gladstonians is greatly increased, and at Southampton we lose a seat to the Glad- stonians. It would appear, therefore, that the swinging back of the pendulum against the Administration has already b..gun,—and begun earlier than usual. Is it possible that the arrest and prosecution of Dr. Jameson is the secret of the change ? It is not very likely; but if so, it is certainly not because the Opposition have taken up Dr. Jameson's cause.