The Blind.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Seeing a notice recently in the Spectator of some magazines in Braille type for the blind, your readers may be interested to know that......
Iris Ii "bulls."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") have been much interested in the Irish " bulls " which you have published, and hope others will follow. Did you ever hear of the Irishman who......
MORE HAWARDEN HORACE. AD CASTELLUM TANTALLONICUM —(0d. L 3.) Sic to diva potens Cypri, Sic fratres Helenae, lucida sidera, Ventorumqae regat pater Obstrietis aliis praeter......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—The story in the Spectator of February let of the dog 'Nelson,' that drowned the impertinent terrier, recall' a similar one that I am......
Ito The Editor Of The "spectator "1 S/r, - 1 Venture To
send you the following story of an Irish terrier which belonged to my late father, a well-known Cambridge man. One day at lunch, whilst 'Snap's' attention was for a moment......
THE GRAFTON GALLERY. THE BARBIZON AND DUTCH SCHOOLS. THE influence of Constable diverted French landscape art from the dreary Arcadia of the classical painters into the channels......