29 FEBRUARY 1896, page 1

It Is Assumed, We See, Almost Everywhere, That The Popular

feeling in Great Britain is strongly in favour of Dr. Jameson. There is little trace of this feeling, however, either in Parlia- ment or in the popular Press, which, though it......

It Is Quite Useless To Condense The Long Debate In

the French Chamber on the Anglo-French arrangement as to Siam which ended on Thursday in a unanimous vote ratifying the agree- ment. The Colonial party are not contented, but......

The French Senate Recoiled, As We Expected, Before The Firm

attitude of the Executive and the menacing appearance of the populace, which was brought home to them by the unusual military precautions taken for their protection. On Friday......

News Of The Week.

D R. JAMESON and his fourteen companions arrived at Plymouth, prisoners on the 'Victoria' troopship, on Monday. The Government, it is said, were anxious that they should be......

The Correspondents Of French And German Papers Have Been...

all the week that the Sultan has reopened the Egyptian question, and has demanded that Great Britain shall " regularise " her occupation of the Nile Valley. It is even affirmed......

E I ,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
