rTo Tus EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Si,—May I be allowed a few words in support of the views of your correspondent "Jam Senior" (Spectator, February 22nd) P At the present moment Free-trade Unionists have little power ; they have no cohesion and no organisation; given both, they might well hold the balance in many con- stituencies, and make good use of the influence which that position carries with it to forward the joint causes of Free. trade and of Unionism which they have at heart. Such a party would, as I think you, Sir, have already pointed out, inevitably attract all those who are alike repelled by the positive and negative poles of Radicalism and Protection. I, Sir, am no politician, and since the days when the Union was in danger have taken little active interest in political work. Now that a similar peril awaits Free-trade, I, too, like "Jam Senior," feel that we should be more active in support of the principle we believe to be vital to the true interests of the country and of the Empire. I should be glad to support by any means in my power a Free-trade party organisation which should endeavour to make its influence felt in as many constituencies as possible. A Free-Trade League is not enough to fight a Tariff Reform League; they have a party organisation at their call ; we have none, and must provide one. Will the Free-trade Unionist leaders not show the way ?