The Individualist. By Philip Gibbs. (e. Grant Richards....
author of this book has not quite made up his mind whether he wishes to write a story of modern life or a political novel. "The Individualists" are a party of politicians who......
Picture Was Sold For 6,200 Guineas. Constable's Money...
somewhat of a puzzle. His share of his father's estate was ..Z4,000; his wife's grandfather left him the same sum. From another testator he received .00,000. And he sold many......
The New Cinderella. By Fred Whishaw. (john Long. 6s.)— This
book gives an extraordinarily realistic picture of what may be called Lower Suburbia, and the ways and speech of a set of young people who inhabit a region about which very......
Readable Novkl8.—varenne. By Percy James Brebner....
spirited historical tale. One would like to know a little more clearly the time and place.--Rodwell. By Valentina Hawtrey. (John Murray. 6s.)—A strange, melancholy story,......
Some Books Of The Week. _
[Under this heading we notice such Books of tho week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] The Case for the Goat. By "Home Counties." (G. Routledge and Sons. 3s.......
THE GRAIN CARRIERS.* SOME two years ago playgoers in Paris added something new to their experience in seeing a little play called La Barciterie. It was a singular piece of......