The New Cinderella. By Fred Whishaw. (John Long. 6s.)— This
book gives an extraordinarily realistic picture of what may be called Lower Suburbia, and the ways and speech of a set of young people who inhabit a region about which very little is written. The story is far from attractive, and the per- sonages of the drama are none of them very refined ; but if the picture of the society depicted is really true, it throws con- eiderable light on the way of life of the young men and women painter evidently thought it an act of kindness. In 1894 the who are to be seen walking up and down at such resorts of pleasure as the Crystal Palace. Whether the heroine is rights in refusing to leave her mother in order to marry the man to whom she has been engaged so long may be doubted ; but at least the reader will respect her motives, and, contrasted with her sisters, Mary Jellibee, the " Cinderella " of the title, is certainly a very pleasing young person.