The National Workshops Of 1818.
[TO THZ EDITOR OF TES "SPECTATOR." j SIE,—Y011 are the last to wish to support your case against Socialism with garbled historical facts. Yet I fear you have recently done so in......
The Late Sir Denzil Ibbetson.
1_TO THZ EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR.'] Sza,—The untimely death of Sir Denzil Ibbetson has robbed India not only of a great administrator, but of a great anthropologist. The......
China And Christianity.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin,—May I add a remark on the subject of your recent interesting article (Spectator, February 15th) ? Surely it is a- pity that the......
The Zakka Khel.
IVO TRH EDrroe or THE SezorLros."3 SIR,—May I point out that the word "khel" is precisely what you say in your last issue it is not—that is, part of the name of a Pathan tribe,......
A Name Misapplied.
[To TOR EDITOR OF TER -spaarieros."1 Sin,—The name "Socialism" is surely being misapplied. The Socialism of the founders of New Harmony was, like the beautiful Utopia of Sir......
Missionaries And The "spectator,"
TTO TIER EDITOR OF THY "SPROTLTOR.".1 Sin,—There are many missionaries and clergy in isolated places who would be thankful for copies of the Spectator. I am trying to supply......