[To TOR EDITOR OF TER -spaarieros."1 Sin,—The name "Socialism" is surely being misapplied. The Socialism of the founders of New Harmony was, like the beautiful Utopia of Sir Thomas More, a dream of fraternity. Fraternity has been the aim of the little Social- istic communities which I have visited in the United States. But fraternity can hardly be said to be the aim of people who appeal to class hatred, breathe confiscation, and throw dynamite. We had a Socialist on this continent the other day tried for the murder by dynamite of the Governor of a State. On his release he received an ovation the import of which could not be mistaken, and we are now told that he is to be brought forward as a Socialist candidate for tbe Presi- dency of the United States. We had before us the other day the manifesto of a "Socialist" candidate for municipal office breathing class hatred and war in the most venomous style, There are, of course, Socialists in the proper sense of the term, like the founders of New Harmony or Sir Thomas More; but it is not with thinkers of this class that in the present case you have to deal.—I am, Sir, &c.,