Mr. Balfour, Who Followed Mr. Mckenna, Took Up, We Regret
to say, a very hostile attitude from the first. He had nothing good to say for the Bill, for he had never seen an educational measure which was less likely to bring religious......
We Have Dealt With The Bill At Length Elsewhere, And
will only - repeat here that if the Government really desire that Mr. McKenna's Bill shall establish a firm settlement of the education question, they must be prepared to make......
The State Of Macedonia Was Discussed In The Commons On
Tuesday. Lord Percy strongly deprecated isolated action by Great Britain in any circumstances, and urged that the only course for us to pursue was to remain in the Concert of......
Mr. Mckenna Went On To Explain How The Transfer Of
the Voluntary schools in the single-school parishes would be carried out when the trustees were willing. When they were unwilling they would be at liberty, if they so willed, to......
News Of The Week.
T HE most important events of the week are to be looked for in Parliament. In the House of Commons on Monday night Mr. McKenna introduced the Government's new Education Bill. He......
In Our Opinion, A Far Wiser And More Statesmanlike Note
was struck by Mr. S. H. Butcher, than whom Mr. Balfour has no more loyal and devoted follower. Though he very properly criticised the Bill in many details he made it clear that......