The Anne and Jane, from London to China, was totally lost on the Island of Labuan, at the entrance of Manila Bay, during a gale, 8th Nov.
The Samuel Smith, from Penang to London, was wrecked on the Island of Rodri- quez, previous to the 23d Nov. ; part of cargo saved.
AsuuvEss-At Gravesend, 27th Jan. John Bright, Hamlin, from Mauritius. At Plymouth, 24th, Victory, Allan, from the Cape ; 25th, Elizabeth, Muir, from Calcutta; Franklin, Abbot, from Mauritius; and 26th, Bucephalus, Small, from Penang. At Fowey, 24th, Mary Ellen, Inglis, from Mauritius. Off Falmouth, 22d, Panama, Law- son ; and Senator, Scales, from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 20th, Hannah Salkeld, Ro- bertson, from Calcutta; 22d, Bidston, Scontter, from Calcutta ; 23d, Hope, Grange, from Bombay ; and 24th, William Drowse, Thompson, from China. In the Clyde, 20th, Idare, Adair, from Matuitius. At Cork, 22d, Aurora, Cotter, from Madras ; and Collingwood, Boyd, from Mauritius. At Hull, 20th, Alma, Meyer, from Batavia. At Bombay, previous to the 15th Dec. Owen Glendower, Robertson, from London ; Emperor, Day ; Lucy Wright, Hamilton; London, Coylan ; Devon, Langley ; and Crown, —, from Liverpool ; and India, Campbell, from the Clyde. At Ceylon, 29th Nov. Hereford, Raebum ; and Sumatra, Johnson, from London ; and 11th Dec. British Isles, Robinson, from the Clyde. At Madras, previous to 14th Dec. SuUej, Campbell ; Lord Hungerford, Norman ; Kestrel, Bremner ; and Emerald Isle, Palmer, from Lou- don. At Calcutta, previous to 9th Dec. Alfred, Henning ; Maidstone, M•Beath ; Gio- riana, Domett ; Tudor, Lay ; Grasmere, Vale ; Ann Cropper, — ; and Tamerlane, Al•Kenzie, from London. At China, previous to 27th Nov. Martinis of Bute, Banns- tyne ; and Mary Bannatyne, Picked, from London ; Tonqnin, Wilson ; Rokeby, Trot- ter ; and Albert Edward, —, from Liverpool. At Sydney, hat Sept. Sterling, May ; and Ganges, Blanchard, from London ; and 23d, Brightman, —, from ditto. At Port Phillip 31st Aug. Melbourne, Freyer, from the Clyde.