Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Bank Directors, at the usual weekly meeting held yesterday, determined to reduce their maximum rate of discount to 4 per cent. This step......
Postscript. Saturdax.
A " grand Free-trade demonstration " was made in the Manchester Free- Trade Hall, on Thursday evening, professedly "to celebrate the return to Parliament of those distinguished......
A Very Intelligent And Well-informed Correspondent In...
a graphic description of the scene in the French Chamber of Deputies after the Count de Montalembert's oratorical attack on Lord Palmerston. The letter, which according to the......
Last Night's Gazette Announces The Appointment Of...
C.B. to be Lieutenant - Governor of Guernsey, in the room of Major - Genera' William Francis Patrick Napier, C.B. A correspondent reports to our weekly contemporary the Church......
The Paris Papers Of Yesterday Have Some Scraps Of...
from Italy and Switzerland. The National has a letter from Civita Vecchia, of the 20tb, giving as &rumour that General Mago had been killed at Palermo. According to this......
East India Shipping.
The Anne and Jane, from London to China, was totally lost on the Island of Labuan, at the entrance of Manila Bay, during a gale, 8th Nov. The Samuel Smith, from Penang to......