The News From Italy Is Of A Kind To Cause
not a little anxiety. Palermo and great part of Sicily are in the hands of insurgents. The King of Naples was so dismayed at the news, that he was struck with illness ; but he......
M. Guizot's Want Of Moral Sense Has Been'betrayed In Another
affair ; not so important in itself as the pacification of Switzerland, but momentous as the overt sign of a deplorable official corruption in France. A practice has obtained of......
The New Bishop Of Manchester Has Safely Travelled Through...
the stages of his troubled progress ; but the Bishop of Hereford is not yet out of the wood : Dr. Lee was consecrated on Sunday; but Dr. Hampden's confirmation has been the......
News Of The Week.
Worm) that we could omit Ireland from our survey of passing affairs ! It is a subject that presents every element of disgust— triteness, revolting crime, misery, and perversity.......
The Further Publication Of The Diplomatic Correspondence...
acquits Lord Palmerston of thelhconsistency im- puted to him last week, and convicts M. Guizot of falsification. M. Guizot produced a note written by Lord Palmerston to Mr.......