The News From Italy Is Of A Kind To Cause
not a little anxiety. Palermo and great part of Sicily are in the hands of insurgents. The King of Naples was so dismayed at the news, that he was struck with illness ; but he......
Tebt Liftetropolis. The Consecration Of Dr. Lee As Bishop Of
Manchester, by the Arch bishop of York, took place on Sunday last, in the Chapel Royal, Whitehall. At eleven o'clock a procession of mace-bearers and diocesan officers,......
Tbe Court.
THE King and Queen of the Belgians have arrived at Windsor Castle. Their Majesties crossed from Calais to Dover on Monday, in the Garland steamer; proceeding thence to London by......
The Spanish Ministers Are Said To Be In A Strange
dilemma. Queen Isabella is in a bad state of health, but her conduct is way- ward and imprudent : with an ugly cough, she selects the close of day for her rides, and altogether......