29 JANUARY 1848, Page 8

The Paris papers of yesterday have some scraps of intelligence

from Italy and Switzerland.

The National has a letter from Civita Vecchia, of the 20tb, giving as &rumour that General Mago had been killed at Palermo. According to this account, tbei army possessed only, the forts. It was apprehended in Naples, that an insure& tion was imminent in the Calabrias and the Abruzzi; but the Government feared to send away troops from Naples. The King was using the most conciliatory means towards the people of the capital. The Swabian Mercury professes to have news from Palermo of the 17th, to the effect that after three days' bard fighting the insurgents had taken the cita- del, and had established a Provisional Government.

The Swiss Diet had begun the conciliatory course recommended by Sir Strat- ford Canning, by relieving the primitive Cantons of the fine imposed upon them. The army of occupation had been reduced to 5,000 men.