29 JULY 1837, Page 12



On the 21st inst., in St. James's Square. the Countess of LICHFIELD, of a daughter. Ou the 25th inst., in New Street, Spring Gardens, the Lady STRATIIEDEN, of a daughter. At Abbott's Anne Rectory, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev. SAMUEL Rem of a son. On the 25th inst., in Bernard Street, Russell Square, Mrs. BRANEBY WILLIAK Powys, of a daughter, On thu 21st inst., at Brighton. the Lady of Captain OAKES. R.N.. of a daughter. On the 23(1 inst., at Wools kb, the Widow of the late Assistant Surgeon TURNER, Royal Artillery, of a son. On the 28th inst., in 11111 Street, Berkeley Square, the Lady Scam". Tows', of a daughter.


On the 26th inst., at All Souls', Longhorn I'lace, CHARLES MAGRA, Esq.. late of the 91st Fusileers, to the Hon. AatoTTE HENLEY ONOLEY, youngest daughter of the Right lion. Robert Henley. Lord Ongley. On the 24th inst., at Government House, Isle of Man, ST. Groans CROMIII, Esq., late Captain of the 34th Regiment, son of the Rev. John Cromie, of the Neale Rock, Mayo, to MARY JERRE. only daughter of Colonel John Ready, Governor of the Isle of Muth Ot1 the 18th inst., at G'ihlitrg, Yorkshire, the Rev. JAISEE ALEXANDRE BARNES, Rector of G Ming. late Fellow of Trinity College. Cambridge, to LAVINIA, eldest daughter of Charles Gregory Fairfax. Esq., of Gulling Castle. Ou the 27th inst.. by the Hon. and Very Reverend the Dean of Norwich, FRANCIS T. IBIACHAM. Esq., of Redford Row, London. to KATHERINE. youngest daughter of liam Dalrymple, Esq., Norwich. On the 25th inst., at Temple Balsa% Warwickshire, the Rev. Joins CWMBRAN, of Elmbridge. Worcestershire, to Maar, only child of the late Robert Turner, Esq., of Now l'ark, Hants. On the 224 inst., at St. Pancras Church, and afterwards at the Bavarian Chapel, Warwick Street. WALTZU LANCON LANCON. Esq., late of Linley Hall. Shropshire. to EUSTATIA Ktrutarextr, fourth daughter of the late George Bantle, Esq., of the Madras Medical Board.

On the 24th inst.. at Call Lane Chapel, Lee Is, the Rev. CHARLES WICKSTELD, of Blenheim square, Leeds, SO JANE, second daughter of the late Arthur Lupton, Esq., of the same place. 011 the 26th inst.. at Cheltenham. Jour; STORM Esq.. of Edgbaston, to LIME REBECCA. second daughter of the Hon. J Age Wilkins, or Nova Scotia.


On the 24th inst.. cost, at the Palace, Dr. G um Lord Bishop of Hereford, in LAs 56th year. On the17th Inst. at Winchester, Lady LAVIE, the Relict of Sir Thomas Lavia,14 in her 61st year. 4, On the 20th inst., at Portland Terrace, Brighton, Wrxitau VERNON, Es,. a 4 825 year. On the 25th inst., in Devonshire Place, Louts FRANCES MARY, Wife of Beau* William Anson, Bart., and daughter and only child of John Dickenson, Esq , of itv'tli Hall, Lancaster.