To Tiie Editor Oe The Spectator.
Sit-I have read in your valuable paper some excellent remarlis on the sub- ject of the arts. It would be difficult to express my approbation of the manly and candid manner in......
Money Market.
STOCK EICFLER01, Finnv ATTERNOWE The business of the'vreek has been unimportant; but, from the great ple°t! of money, the prices of English Stock have been on the rise. Consols......
The Hanoverian Humbug.
THE Ministerial evening paper, the Courier, charges us with de- fending the recent arbitrary proceedings of the King of Hanover. "The Tories," says the Courier," have been at......
East India Shipping.
Arrirol—At Gravesend, July 2711,, Gibed Munro, Duff; from Mauritius. Off Faltnomh, MIL Rhoda, Hurst. from Van Diemen's Land ; and 27th, Marion, Pope. thYll 'newt At Liverpool,......
Topics Of The Day.
THE RETROGRADE MARCH OF REFORM. AT the time when the late King was seized with his mortal ill- ness, it was highly probable that the Whig-Radieal majority in the PEEL House of......