Steam Expedition Up The Niger.
AT length we have a book of real travels, embracing scenes of danger, privation, hardship, death ; full of novelty, variety, cha- racter ; and not less remarkable for the......
Spectator's Library.
TRAWLS, Narrative of an Expedition into the Interior of Africa, hy the Rivet Niger. in the Steamvessels Quorra and Alharkali, in 18324833-1834. By Macgregor Laird and It. A. K.......
To The Editor Of The Spectator.
Loudon, 24111 July 1837. Sia—I perceive, by the last Report of the Post-office Co llllll issioners, that they are favourable to the proposition of having penny 'stamp covers for......
The New Manager Of Covent Garden/ Theatre.
IT is true, what we heard only as a rumour last week, that MACREADY has become lessee of Covent Garden Theatre. Let us then congra- tulate our fellow playgoers on the prospect......