Ministers And The Ballot.
IN previous pages will be found accounts of numerous elec- tions lost by the Liberals for want of the secret suffrage. "With the Ballot, this election would have been gained"—"......
Pressure On The Means Of Subsistence. At The Nisi Prins
Court, as the Worcester Assizes, there were only le i causes for trial ; which gave one cause to every forty-six of the weasel 014 big the Court. — Worcester Haab,. We are too......
The Hanoverian Humbug.
THE Ministerial evening paper, the Courier, charges us with de- fending the recent arbitrary proceedings of the King of Hanover. "The Tories," says the Courier," have been at......
The New Manager Of Covent Garden/ Theatre.
IT is true, what we heard only as a rumour last week, that MACREADY has become lessee of Covent Garden Theatre. Let us then congra- tulate our fellow playgoers on the prospect......