Loudon, 24111 July 1837. Sia—I perceive, by the last Report of the Post-office Co llllll issioners, that they are favourable to the proposition of having penny 'stamp covers for the Loudon district, but are in doubt whether the inerea.e on the number of letters would be equivalent to the proposed reduction of the charge. I am of opinion that it would be fully so, if I may judge generally by the way in which it will Operate with me. I have frequently occasion to vend been two and three hundred circulars at a time : the cost by post is considerable: I can get them deliveled by band for a few shillings ; of course I pursue the latter plan : but if the Postage were a penny each only, I should send them by post, Hs it looks more respectable, and also the delivery of the letters is more sure. The plan is Worthy of trial. It would be well to try the stamped cover plan with General Post letters 1100. The charge ought not to be more than fourpence. I have all my in- voices either enclosed to me in the goods or sent by In ivate hand—very seldom "Y by Post. If the charge were no snore than fourpeuce, I should have all Nut by post, as it is always desirable to know what goods are on the road. I how one house at the West end, (and no doubt there are several,) that makes it I practice to procure franks for nearly the whole of their correspondence, *Itch is by no means inconsiderable. I don't think that house would trouble to get franks if it could send all its letters at the rate of fourpence each. "ee gawped cover plan would work admirably, and would save a great deal of "Pease and trouble in the Post. office.
I am, Sir, your obedient servant. A CITIZEN. Pa 1 beg to ask a question, and shall feel obliged by your answer. I am !trustee of a freehold, the rent of which I pay to the party fur whose benefit Ihtia the property in trust. On the death of the party, part of it will be mine. c‘i I nom claim to be registered as an elector ? [The Revising Barristers have given contradictory decisions on this point ; i...ttl?e Citizen should by all means make his claim: the chancea for and against "betas allowed are about cqual.—ED.]