29 JULY 1837, Page 13


Arrirol—At Gravesend, July 2711,, Gibed Munro, Duff; from Mauritius. Off Faltnomh, MIL Rhoda, Hurst. from Van Diemen's Land ; and 27th, Marion, Pope. thYll 'newt At Liverpool, 26th, Mona, Gill. front Bengal ; and Matilda, Wardlo, from Maarilioe ; and 28t11, Cheshire. Campbell, from Bombay. At St. Ilelena, Jam. 4th, Colombo, Beck, from CcOon ; 51.11, Emma, Pecket, from London; and Perseverance. Callihan, from New South Wales. Sailed-From raw:send -3 u I y 22.1, Moira. Owen, for Bengal; 233. Gilmore, Lind- say ; and Malabar. Box, for Bombay ; VOL Wirnlsr,r. IICUUtOg ; 2711e, Bub Fokhrr; and Lord Hungnam& Farquharson, for Bengal,