The majority of the Reformers at Sheffield is overwhelmirg, one o'clock yesterday, the numbers were—
Parker 1655
Thorneley 567
The Reformers had still several hundred votes to bring up, andir. tended to keep the poll open to let their opponents know the Id amount of their strength.
We have received a letter from Glasgow with the state of the po; up to three o'clock on Thursday ; when the votes given for the seed candidates were— Lord William Bentiack 2740
Mr. Dennistoun 2716 Mr. Monteith 2040
Mr. Campbell 2079 So it is all over with the Tories. Our correspondent adds- " The electors are nearly polled out. The enthusiasm and unanimity of citizens, electors and non-electors, is inconceivable. An attempt was nudes get up a diversion after the fashion of Bell in Coventry and Beaumont is castle; but it was put down by the unanimous voice of Radicals sad re electors.
" The sudden death of Mr. COLIN DUNLOP, formerly Member for tbir has cast a gloom over our triumph. "Glasgow may now be regarded as a secure field of Reform. The in registration will raise the Liberal majority to upwards of a thousand. We bet beat the Tories at our greatest disadvantage—with all those who changed ea. deuce at the Whitsunday term off the roll."