1. The First Volume of the Pictorial History of England.
2. The History of England. By THOMAS KEICHTLEY. b 25011. Vol. I. 3. The Second Volume of the History of the Presbyterian Churchill Ireland, By JAMES SEATON Rain, D. D. M. R. I. A. 4. Lectures on European Civilization. By M. Guizor. Trained by PRISCILLA MARIA BECK WITH.
To the first and second of these works we shall take an opPorfil: nity of returning. The period treated of in Dr. REID'S SeCON volume, (the first we have never seen,) commences with the yes: 1642, and closes with the arrival of WILLIAM the Third in Ire land. The general leading subjects it embraces are the conquer' ing campaign of CROMWELL, the Irish government of Hama CROMWELL, and the celebrated siege of Derry. The more peculiar points are the delicate difficulties the Presbyterian party bad t° struggle with in dealing with the Republican Independents at ore time and the dominant Church-of-England-men at another. Is collecting his materials, Dr. REID appears to have exercised con'
sideiable industry and research, and much of scholastic ability in putting them together.
Having a few months since reviewed, at considerable length, GUIZ0T's Lectures on European Civilization, when published by Mr. TALBOYS, it is unnecessary to recur to the work. The only point is the respective merits of the translations : and, from the parts we have dipped into, it appears to us that Miss BECKWITH's id closer, perhaps more literal ; but the other more easy and spirited, and from this very cause perhaps truer.