The King of Hanover is holding daily consultations with his
Ministers respecting the new constitution lie is about to promul- gate. The subject seems to have lost its temporary interest in France; and little ia said about it, as fits US vit• Call see, iu the German journals. As soon as it has answered itselectioneering pur. pose in England, it will be suffered to drop here too ; and the same persons who are now declaiming .most about the Hanoverian , atrocity, will be the first to cushion the question when Parliament' meets.
According to the Courier, the Standard's correspondent was mistaken in asserting that the Duke of Susssx had signed the protest against WILLIAM the Fourth's constitution, by an article of which the hereditary domains of the King of Hanover were alienated in return for a civil list. On the contrary, the Duke signed the constitution with the late King.