29 JULY 1837, Page 9

FINAL POLLS. those of Tory candidates; the (The names to

which the letter T is attached are others are Liberal*.] Bedford Remick Beverley Hogg Fox Cloy Bennie Noised' Alluvial Scholefield Ellis 98 Bolton Ainsworth 616

Bolling (T.) 607

K Doss les 539 Baca Brow urigg... (T.) 456 Duke 439 Handley 350 Collett (T.) 155 Breton Morgan (T.) 151

1.10)11 94

&Signora Whitmore ... (T.) 429 Tracy -7

I loot (r) 367

Brtiport Warburton 283 Jervia 232 Baillie (T.) 214 ' Brighton Pechell 1092 Daley mple...(T ) 828

Wiguey 811

Faithful 215 Bristol Miles (T.) 3813 Berkeley 3106 IF ripp (T.) 3153 Bsekiaghast Fremantle ..(T.) 235 Verney 156 Chetwode ... (T ) 138 BaryStEdmund'sJertnyn (T.) 277 Fitzroy 289 Banbury 275 Calthorpe .. (T ) 248


248 Cobbett 106 Spankie (T.) 92 Lasam'age Rico 685 Pry me 675 Knight (T.) 609 Sutton (T. 595 Bradshaw .. (T. 759 Conyugham 754 Gipps (T.) 750 Villiers 692 Berkeley 630 Peel (T.) 299 Grosvenor 1049 Jervis 933 Ryder (T.) 257 Smith 490 Lennox 387 Cobbett 252 Sanderson ...(T ) 472 Smyth cr.) 435 Todd 306 Ellice 1778 Williams 1748 Thomas (T.) 1511 Hill (T.) 1393 Bell 43

soy .......... Shutt 836

Ponsonby 791 Curzon (T.) 525 Colville a.) 466 Arundel Fitzalan 176 Stuart 103 Addurton 1 ushington 98 Browne (T.) 57 Ashton ['bailey 234 Wood 2(11 Stephens 19 Aytertury Bickford . ... (T.) 863 Prated (T.) 657 Lord Nugent .... 540 Tattered 181 Tau ney (T.) 75 Chichester 387 litalgson ....(T ) 356 Best (T.) 3*8 Bath Powerseourt .(T.) 1118 Bruges (T.) 1053 Roebuck 976 Palmer 929 . Polhill. .. ..(T ) 467 Stuart (T.) 419 Crawley 412

llolnws Cr) 352

llot14sou (T.) 356 Donkin 326 (T ) 623

('r ) 582

380 347 2169 2132

Slap) lion ... cr.) 1044 pod.i. ..... Sprr (T.) 130



ffeaterbsey CleirmAaM awster Iffeeherter releArster

Unwary DA r y

Dover lteid (T.) 829 Durham Trevor (T.) 466 Faimouth Rolfe 520 Firabury Duticontbe 4893

Gloucester ii.p. (r.) 720

Grantham Welby (T.) 398 Greenwich Attwootl (T.) 1328

Guildford watt r ) 252

Halifax Wood 268 Harwich . ... ...11t•rries (T.) 75 Ilas!ings I lollowl 392 Harerfordmest...Plallips 147 Hertford Co. per 378 Hull Wilberferce..(T.) 1514 Ipswich Ilythe Horsham Iluist 147 Manger 371 Rice 845 Fector cr.) 742 Plumridge 361 Wakley 4937 Tollemache (T.) 303 Harland 373 Perceval (T.) 2470 Turner 291 Fresheeld ...(T ) 419 Phillpot(s 709 Berkeley 6.30 Napier 1147 Prather° 265 Wortley (T.) 182

Scarlett ... ..r..) 188

Mangles 159 Tower 74 Barnard 1182 Bonham (T.) 66 Photo (T.) 400 Ellice a- Scoorlield . . (T ) 163 Cantelope.... (T ) 160 Buller 123

Bite ('r.) 432

Wood 1430 Briseo (T.) 312 (live 439 Currie 297 James (T.) 1505 Bithlulph 917 Mahon (T.) 306 Hutt 1497 Melguud 254 Beresford!....a ) 144 Broaanona . .(T.) 145

Gibson (r.) cot

Tuffuell 593 Wagon 593 , Kelly (T.) 593 Kiddenninster.. .. Godson (T.) 198

Ilagshaw 157

Lambeth fluxes 2934 D'Eyncourt 2811 Baldwin (T.) 1694

Lancaster Greene (T.) 614

Marts n (T. 527 Stewart 453 Greg 317 Leeds Baines 2011 Molesworth 1873 1Seckett (T.) 1764 Lewes Blunt 413 Fitzroy (T.) 401 Brand 398 Lyon (T.) 343 Leominster Greenaway 383 Hotham (T.) 380 Wigram (T.) 250 Leicester Duckworth 1812 Easthope 1812 Goulburn....(T ) 1439 Gladstone ...(T ) 1438 Lionel' Sibthorpe ... (T.) 540 Drawer 435 Ellis (T.) 390 Churchill 368 Buller 113 Lisksard Kekewich ...(T ) 95 &union (T.) 4693 Liverpool Cressuell (T.) 4380 F. wart 4208 Elphinstunu 4072 London. Woad 6517 Craw ford 6371 Minium ..... 070

Gee) 5879

Palmer (T.) 5673 Heiston Hereford Lyme Pinney Hampden ...( T ) lymington

Mackinnon. .( T.)

Stewatt cr.)


Bentiock ... (T ) Lynn

Canning .... (T.) K4 eemell cr.)


Disraeli ....cf.) Thompson


Mat&n k (T.)

Roun (T.) Lenuard Manchester T homson Philips Gladstone ... (T ) Margiebone hall Whalley Teigninouth.. (T )


Herne e (T.) Merthyr Tydeil . . Guest Bruce Montgomery Eduardes (T.) Corbel Plewitt (r.) Monmouth Bailey


Newcastleasn.-L. Miller Ito Horsey (T.) Badnall Neweasile.on. TyneOrd II inde (T.) ite toson (T.) Beaumont

Newport.. Hawkins...

Blake Martin (T.) Hamilton . (T.) Norwich Mtn° Scurlett T Smith T Nurse Nottingham Ferguson Holthouse Tubs (T.) Plo w den cr.) Northampton ....Smith Currie Moss GrArd (T.) Maclean Erie (T ) I Wallet' (T.) Peterborough .... Heron Fazakerley

Nuclei's (T.)

Jolliffe PeterVield Hector

M tines cr.)

Ponbfract Stanley (T.) Smith Poole Gumpertz ...(T.)



Willoughby. .cr )

(T.) Carter Portsmouth Cockloirn ... (T.) Vitzharris . .cr.) Preston

Fleetuood. . cr.)

Parker Crawfurd (T.) Tall-mod Reading Palmer

cr )

Russell Rochdale Fenton Ramsay (T.) Rochester Bernal Hobhouse Douglas .. .(T ) Best Brotherton

Salford cr.)

Garnet (T.)

Sandwich Troubridge

t7arnac • Price (1'. ISr)dges (T. Scarborough . .Trencla Sts lee (T. Johnstone (T.)

244 23 403 218 641 2700 436 455 449 413 890 888 333

121 Shrewsbury 637

87 Jenkins (T.1 700 158 Pelham (T.) 657 161 Dashwood. 537 49773 Sore/area 1929 liumphery 389 Haney Richards ....(T ) 840 (T ) 527 73172 Southampton Dott in Duncan 564 668 i 1 tit y n (T.) 543 529 4,:w.t . 609 15 Stockptt Marsland (.) 469 420 Marland 463 407 Cobden 395 St. Albaa's 410 Gritust on ... (T.) 340 4127 Muskt) 349 e 3759 Cabbell (T) 220 2324 Stroud698 3512 c‘crope Russell 681 3350Adams (T.) 297 2952 Stafrwd Chetw ) ntl 555 764 }errata' (T.) 504 aring 662 (T.) 464 309 Blount 348 177 Si. Jet 472 111417; . (T3 272 (T.) 213 943 Stoke upon•Trent .Cupelan T0 ( .) 6S3 441 Daventort (T.) 670 3469 469 BNINS ,r. itirdi ictg;), 635 &interbred SThl'i.ornktillstion ..( T.) 696 292 625 1792 590 1699 Sudbury i It ( r .)172 1187 llntott . . (T ) 342 1126 Smith 290 Tinton 19 222 Tam worth Peel (T.) 389 A'Court (T.) 249 236 Taunton Townshend Labonchere 469 1863 Bainbridge 414 (r ) 408 1865 let' 1843 Tewhe.bury Don destsell .(T.) 119 1831 I Martin 192 1640 Peel (T.) 169 1639 Tvertn P LI nwrson 1147 I leatlimat 313 ickenson...(T ) 80 1144 D 1. Tartlet 11(013931 Truro V iv iao 393 Tooke 924 216 1345 Tiotentouth 1242 lu'or.t.1)itir 242 903 Wakefield I nacelles... .(T.) 307 288 Gasket' 281 3141 Wallingford Blackstone .(T.) 159 195 ini.sou Teed Finch 316 194 IF:: rasxt e r CI' ) 296 Caleraft (T.) 170 507 Wareham Illuckburne..(T.) 271558 1211 Warringe"" Davettport 272 ff'crtni aster 1,..zult.: 257 3753 238 Murray IT.) 2620 'V Mien Weymouth (T.) 2991 642 (T.) 266 522 Sil Iti :In 214 442 Winchester 1.74 /4 ildmay cr.) 259 1901 ,4Etsucitii,t1tis h 1578 Wigan 248 459 Pot ter 245 Ketusley ....cr ) 218 Greenall Ratusbottam Gordon 210 373494 Windsor 491 be Beauvoir .... 181 475 Bulkeley ...(T.) 140 110°6572 Wol..crhampton . .NTiLlireuresly Burton cr.) 613 lienbow (T.) 605 Peyton Chuichill :11)32 Woodstock (1%) 126 It umbold Wilshire 117 374 Yarmouth 789 Baring Gambier 779 225 (T ) 697 211 684 1 outlier ....cr ) 1167 Dundee 192 York A tcherley ...(T.) 112186 1903 472 151 185 246 cr.) 254 (T.) 239 118 3725154 159 242 ( F.) 213 326 292 92