Pra Angelico. By Langton Douglas. (G. Bell and Sons. 12s.
6d. net.)—The author considers that Fra Angelico has been a good deal misunderstood, the public being much more interested in the monk than in the artist. It is certainly true that popular imagination loves to dwell on the saintly anecdotes of the life of the /rate rather than on the great services he rendered to art. Pea Angelico was one of the first painters to adopt the new classical element ; probably he learnt much from his friend, the architect Michelozzo. He was a pioneer, and showed that lofty elevation of thought and sentiment was to be expressed in colour and form, not by blind repetition of the sanctified artistic formulas of his predecessors, but by the invention of new means of expression. For the full working out of this idea we must refer the reader to this interesting book, which is full of appreciation of the master, and contains original views.