News Of The Week.
T HE only event of special importance to be chronicled this week in regard to the war is the plucky defence of Richmond, a place in Cape Colony south of De Aar. A large force of......
One Piece Of Evidence Was Of Historical Interest. The...
relied on General de Pellieux, who, it would seem probable, favoured the plot. General Zurlinden, however, who was suspected of complicity, and was at the time Governor of......
Political Persons In Paris Have Been Much Interested In The
trial of Count de Lur-Saluces, an officer of old family and good character, who at the time of the Deroulede attemPt plotted to overthrow the Republic. M. Deroulede's idea was......
A Royal Proclamation Was Made On Thursday Announcing That...
Coronation will be held on some day (hereafter to be fixed) in June next year, appointing a Commission to receive and consider the petitions and claims of persons entitled to......
A Very Little But Rather Important British War Has Ter-
minated successfully. A Dervish, called locally the "Mad Mullah," thought he could seize the Somali country, and invaded the northern part of it, thereby affronting Menelik of......
The French Senate Passed The Associations Bill On Satur- Day
last by 173 votes to 99, after accepting an amendment under which the Government must provide for necessitous members of dissolved religious Orders, or "those who have......