29 JUNE 1901, page 3

It Is With Deep Regret That We Record The Death

by an acci- dental fall from a window in Newhaven, Connecticut, of Mr. Adalbert Hay, the son of the American Secretary of State. Mr. Adalbert Hay was a young man of high......

Considerable Alarm Has Been Created Both In Berlin And...

by the collapse this week of the Leipziger Bank with a share capital of z2,400,000, the shares of many banks falling in consequence seven or eight points. There seems, at first......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Consols (2i) were on Friday 93i.......

On Wednesday The Lord Mayor Entertained The London...

bankers at dinner, and Sir Michael Hicks- Beach addressed them in reply to the toast of "The Con- tinued Prosperity of the Public Purse." In spite of gloomy prophecies, the......

We Greatly Regret That Miss Hobhouse Should Have Been...

from delivering her address on the refugee camps in London owing to the impossibility of obtaining a room. We do not wonder that the speeches and writings of many of the......

On Wednesday Lord Salisbury, Speaking At The Dinner Of The

United Club, made some very sensible remarks about the effects of a disunited Opposition on weakening party disci- pline. If Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman had been a leader of......

Captain Slocum, The United States Military Attaché With...

forces in South Africa, says of our soldiers in his official report that "for indomitable courage, uncomplaining fortitude, and implicit obedience they are beyond criticism." He......

We Notice With Great Satisfaction An Admirable Speech _ Made

by Lord Dundonald at the opening of the Winsford Town Hall on Wednesday. Though men in civilian employment cannot afford to give up many consecutive days to training with their......