A Progressive Chinese Viceroy.
China's Only Hope : an Appeal by her Greatest Viceroy, Chang Chih - Tung. Translated from the Chinese Edition by Samuel I. Woodbridge. (Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier,......
The Latest Bacon Cypher.
The Bi - literal Cypher of Sir Francis Bacon. Discovered in his works and deciphered by Mrs. Elizabeth Wells Gallup. Second Edition. (Gay and Bird. 18s.)—Mrs. Elizabeth Wells......
The Jesuits In England.
The History of the Jesuits in England, 1580 - 1771 By Ethelred L. Taunton. (Methuen and Co. 21s. net.)—The history of Jesuit- ism in England is the history of the back-stairs of......
Through Siberia.
Through Siberia. By J. Stadling. With Illustrations. (Con- stable and Co. 18s.)—Mr. Stadling went to hunt for traces of Andree along the Siberian coast-line, descending the Lena......