[To TUB EDITOR OP THE •' SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—AS a bystander
taking much interest in current events, may I suggest that you seem to make too much of the necessity of civil war if the Home Rule Bill is finally passed. In common with many others, it seems to me that no British Government dare attempt to enforce the Act in Ulster by means of British troops, and your own second leading article in the issue of November 22nd, " What Civil War Means for the Army," gives abundant proof of the danger of doing so. In this city (Edinburgh) one cannot forget the doom that in 1736 overtook Captain Porteous for ordering his men to fire upon the crowd and thereby causing the death of several of P.S.—In a letter I had recently from a reliable source in Canada, the writer says, "By all accounts from many parts of Canada the Canadians are going to flock in large numbers to aid Ulster in the event of the Bill being brought into force."