Mr. Redmond And The Roman Church.
[To TRH EDITOR OP TER " SPECTATOR.":1_ SIR, — Mr. Redmond's speech, as reported in to-day's papers, may possibly afford comfort to those who are persuaded that " Home Rule means......
Provincial Go Vernment For Ireland.
[TO TER EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. ") SIR, — Why not give Ireland provincial government P Not only Ireland, but every shire or province in the United King. dom. The present......
Religious Intolerance In Dublin. [to The Editor Or Ter...
SIR, — I enclose cutting from the Guardian of November 14th, which is very enlightening as to the fate of Protestants in Ulster should Home Rule ever become law.—I am, Sir, &e.,......
The Position Of Mr. Redmond And The Revolutionaries.
[To TEE EDITOR Or THE "SrzeTsToe. •• ] Sin,—In the controversy at present raging over the Home Rule Bill, some allowance should be made for the domestic difficulties Mr. Redmond......
" Toleration," 1912-13.
[To TER EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — The enclosed is, except for the alteration of names, a literal transcript of a conversation I held a few weeks ago with a farmer near......