Lip-reading : Principles And Practice. By Edward B....
and Co. Sc. net.)—Although lip-reading is not a subject that can be studied satisfactorily from a book, it is to be hoped that Mr. Nitchie's careful study will prove a most......
Prodigals And Sons. By John Ayscough. (chatto And Windus....
is one supremely good story among the twenty-seven which compose this book, and that is the account, which is called " Changed," of the result of an old farmer persuading a......
Readable Novels.—" Disarm ! Disarm ! "—by Andrea Hofer...
(Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—An anti- war romance of the last century, translated from the German of Baroness von Suttner ; it is written in the form of an autobiography.—Dirk :......
Is Deserved By The Admirable Little Anthology Of Letters...
has just been added to " The World's Classics." Its range extends from Sir Thomas More at the end of the fifteenth century to the Brownings in the middle of the nineteenth. Our......
The Romance Of Tristan And Iseult. Drawn From The Best
French Sources and Re-told by J. Bedier. Rendered into English by H. Belloc. (George Allen. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Belloc's rather affected style will hardly satisfy those who have......
Boows Of Refeileace.—the ' Daily Mail' Year Book For 1914
is as good as ever, and that is saying a great deal. It is, of course, quite small as books of reference go nowadays, but the information is all useful, up-to-date, and very......
Soi'lle Books Of The Week.
U , ,.er this heading we notice such Books of the teak as have not been reserved for racism in other forms.] The Reporters' Gallery. By Michael Macdonagh. (Hodder and Stoughton.......