29 NOVEMBER 1913, Page 28
READABLE NOVELS.—" Disarm ! Disarm ! "—By Andrea Hofer Proudfoot.
(Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—An anti- war romance of the last century, translated from the German of Baroness von Suttner ; it is written in the form of an autobiography.—Dirk: a South African. By Annabella Bruce Marchand. (Longmans and Co. 6s.)—There are many interesting studies of South African life in Miss Marchand's rather lengthy novel, and the dreary ending is written with real pathos.—The Mercenary. By W. S. Eccott. (William Blackwood and Sons. 6s.)—Mr. Eccott's story of the Thirty Years' War is written with a swift vigour and romance rarely found in historical novels, and with a suitably happy ending.