29 NOVEMBER 1913, page 27

The Children Of The Sea : A Romance. By H.

de Vere Stacpoole. (Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)—Mr. de Vere Stacpoole's new book is of the school of Kipling ; indeed, much of it, especially the first part, with its absorbing......

Prodigals And Sons. By John Ayscough. (chatto And Windus....

is one supremely good story among the twenty-seven which compose this book, and that is the account, which is called " Changed," of the result of an old farmer persuading a......


THE GENTLE LOVER* THE reviewer of modern novels has no lack of epithets and phrases which he can conscientiously apply to the work of their writers. They are " strong " and "......

Edward Bacedale's Will. By Mark Hardy. (mills And Boon....

is a great pity that Mr. Hardy should have chosen to turn his energies and powers to the writing of a story so extravagant and fantastical as Edward Racedale's Will, where the......