[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIB, -In your article
in the Spectator of December 5th, 1903, "A Great Social Reform," on the Public-House Trust movement, you say : " The same idea is catching on' in various parts of South Africa, Australasia, and Canada." I send you herewith a copy of a little pamphlet I reprinted from the Renmark Pioneer, which will show you that the Renmark Hotel was opened on March 8th, 1896, under a local public Trust, and I believe it was the first of the kind in the British Empire. As its initiator, I should like you to make known through your widely read journal that this was so, if correct. Since, the publication of the pamphlet a few years ago, new premises have been erected and the management greatly improved, mainly through the exertions of Mr. A. 0. Pike, the present secretary of the Hotel Committee.-I am, Sir, &c., Benmark, South Australia. CHRIS. J. ASHWELL.