2 APRIL 1904, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE Japanese Government has suddenly increased the severity of its censorship, and the information received this week, though interesting as a hint of its plans, is not in......

The Government Still Repeat That The Mission To Tibet, In

spite of its powerful escort, is in no sense a military expe- dition. Colonel Younghusband is nevertheless being drawn farther and farther , towards Lhasa, the Lamas absolutely......

The German Emperor—in Regard To Whose Health The...

the most contradictory reports— on March ' 26th received the King of Italy on board the Hohenzollern' at Naples, and at the subsequent lunch speeches were made which are......

No Attack Has Yet Been Made On Newchwang, But The

. Japanese columns, in a strength as yet not known, are evidently marching through Korea upon the Yalu. German observers, indeed, think it clear that a great battle will take......

It Is Now Almost Certain That The " Reforms "

promised in Macedonia must fail. Their evocation depends entirely upon the ascendency of the new gendarmerie under the Italian General de Giorgio, and that ascendency in its......

, 11 ,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...
