2 APRIL 1904, page 23


Farming. By W. M. Tod. "The Haddon Hall Library." (J. M. Dent and Co. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Tod calls farming " the best pursuit of all," and he makes out a very good case for it; not,......


Horace For English Readers. By E. C. Wickham, D.d. (the

Clarendon Press. 3s. 6d. net.)—No one is more to be trusted in the interpretation of Horace than Dr. Wickham. So much any student of his edition of the poet will allow. To......

Fatigue. By A. Mosso. (swan Sonnenschein And Co. 4s. 6d.)

—Professor Mosso treats the study of fatigue in a popular manner, insomuch that the opening chapters seem somewhat loose and rambling in character; but those on "Fatigue......

The Teaching Of Scientific Method. By Henry E. Armstrong,...

(Macmillan and Co. 6s.)—Professor Armstrong is a well-known and enthusiastic advocate of what he has happily christened the "Heuristic" method of teaching. Whether or not it can......

The Deliverance. By Ellen Glasgow. (a. Constable And Co....

" romance of the Virginian tobacco-fields " is an effective piece of work, though there are, it seems to us, some flaws in it. We do not quite see, for instance, how the wise......