[To time Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sma,—Time chief impression left on the mind by most of the letters which have been appearing in your Correspondence Columns under the heading " Time Crisis in the Church," is of the very material point of view indicated, and of the entire lack of the awe which one would expect. It is said of Fra Angelico that he painted on his knees. Surely when we touch upon such infinite mystery it is on our knees that we should write. Many of your readers must have been grateful for the fine quotation from Hooker contributed by one of your correspondents ; it lifted the whole subject under discussion on to a higher level.
We would do well to lay to heart Jeremy Taylor's words— "-Dispute not concerning the secret of time mystery and time nicety of time manner of Christ's presence. It is sufficient for thee that Christ shall be present to thy soul." Of what use is it " to probe time evening midge for his opinion of the polar star " ! Our energies would be better spent in endeav- ouring to learn what Coventry Patmorc meant when he prayed " So make me to possess this mystery that I shall not desire to understand."—I am, Sir, &c., lIvr.nA DES VoEux.
50 Gillingham Street, Eceleston Square, S.W. I.