2 APRIL 1927, page 23
New Light On Christian Origins Jesus Christ And His...
By Vacher Burch, D.D. (Chapman and Hall. 9s.) STuDENTs of Christian origins have eagerly awaited the appearance of Dr. Burch's book. Now it is here ; and perhaps most readers......
Myths And Maths
The Music of the Spheres : A Nature Lover's Astronomy. By Florence A. Grondal. (Macmillan. 21s.) WE are all children when we look at the stars. The wisest of us can listen......
Industry And The State
Industry and the State : a Conservative View. By Robert Boothby, M.P., Harold Macmillan, M.P., John de V. Loder, M.P., and the Hon. Oliver Stanley, M.P. (Macmillan. 6s.) IT is......