The Narratives Of The Refugees Who Have Reached Shanghai...
it clear that the retirement of the Shantung army from Nanking was quite unexpected. The foreigners had not yet begun to think seriously of taking precautions for their own......
On Wednesday The Bishops In Convocation Decided That The...
Prayer Book should be laid before the Church Assembly for final approval. In Canterbury Province twenty-one voted for the resolution and four against, and in the Province of......
If This Is A Fair Estimate Of Chiang's Intentions The
path may be made much easier for him by the general withdrawal of foreigners from the Yangtze basin. Some of the richest trade districts in China will be at a stand- till......
The Average Churchman Is Willing To Accept The Solemn...
in the new Preface that no change in the doctrine of the Communion Service is intended. It IS to be hoped that the Assembly in July will sanction the whole of the revision......
Refugees Are Arriving At Shanghai From Hankow As Well As
from Nanking. They say that in Hankow there is a reign of terror ; that the Communist Government is supreme and that it is unsafe for foreigners to appear in the streets. Much......
The Secretary For War Made The Wise Announcemen T In The
House of Commons on Tuesday that the abolition of the Territorial bounfy would be set off by a proficiency grant of 30s. a man - 20s. for drills and attendance at camp, and 10s.......
A Remarkable Sequel To Events At Nanking Was The Suicide
at Shanghai of Lieutenant Araki of the Japanese flagship. Mr. Araki had been in command of a party of blue-jackets protecting the Japanese Consulate at Nan- king. In accordance......
Birds Which Are Pests To The Farmer Are Not Protected,
We are glad to see that the eggs of the plover-a true farmer's friend and an exquisitely beautiful bird into the bargain—are not to be sold at any time. The Bill also provides......
The Dispute Between Italy And Yugoslavia Is Quiescent....
diplomatic difficulty is the existence of the Paris Agreement made in 1921 when the " special position " of Italy was recognized. Albania was then already a member of the......
In The House Of Commons On Friday, March 25th, Sir
Clive Morrison-Bell brought forward his Bill for codifying and simplifying legislation for the protection of birds. It supersedes „ nine existing Acts and many consequential......