Mr. Churchill Concluded By Saying That The Flat Season Which
had just begun would be the test of the tax It was true that so far the Exchequer had received only half of the estimated revenue, but over a full year the estimate might not be......
The Hollow Victory Of Cambridge Over Oxford In The...
sports last Saturday has directed the attention of numerous Jeremiahs to the recent inferiority of Oxford in most games and athletic contests. It is possible that the Rhodes......
The Iiumber Of Unemployed Has Fallen By More Than 40 0,000
in the past three months. Only once since 1920 has the figure been below a million. There seems a fair chance that it may fall below that point again before long, as the Easter......
Mr. Churchill Received A Deputation Of Bookmakers On...
the subject of the Beithig Tax. He expressed very frankly his feeling that the bookmakers liad been behaving foolishly in exaggerating the effects of the tax. If they had had......
The Campaign Was Rendered Infamous By The Organized...
free speech by the supporters of the Labour candidate. We are sure that the Labour Party, as such, disapproves of this hooliganism, but it does not take any official action to......
The Results Of The By-elections At Leith And North Southwark
have put the Liberals into very good heart. The figures of the Leith election, due to the resignation of Captain Wedgwood Beim, the Liberal Member who joined the Labour Party,......
Mr. E. A. Strauss (lib.) 7,334 Mr. G. Isaacs (lab.)
.. 6.167 Dr. L. Haden Guest (Ind.) • • :1,215 Majority .. • • • • 1,167 At the previous election the figures were :- Dr. L. Haden Guest (Lab.) .. 8,115 Mr. E. A. Strauss (Lib.)......
Major Ii. 0. D. Segrave, Driving A Sunbeam Car, Broke
all the short international motor records at Daytona Beach, Florida, on Tuesday. Down wind he touched a speed of 2071 miles an hour. His average speed for the kilometre, mile,......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.,
on December 3rd, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 101/ ; on Wednesday week 101# ; a year ago 1011. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday NA ; on Wednesday......