In the House of Commons on Friday, March 25th, Sir
Clive Morrison-Bell brought forward his Bill for codifying and simplifying legislation for the protection of birds. It supersedes „ nine existing Acts and many consequential orders which have been made by local authorities. The laws are now so complicated that they are frequently evaded because even those who arc supposed to administer them scarcely understand them or remember their existence. Si Clive Morrison-Bell's Bill is the result of inquiries by the Home Office Committee and the advice of Lord „Grey of Fallodon and Mr. Glad- stone, the Scottish ornithologist. It provides protection for birds in three categories according to their rarity. The birds in the first category would be protected throughout the season, and their eggs would also he protected. Birds in the second category are to he protected only during the close season. The birds in the third category, though getting some protection, would have more or less to take care of themselves. The birds in this class are not, however, in danger of extinction.