[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—You have so often befriended me that I am almost ashamed to write to you again. I am in trouble, as usual. Our prison has been made the home for the youthful misdoers of the whole of London, and as a result I must provide aid for some hundreds of additional men leaving us every year, at an age when help is most needed. There are one hundred and eighty-one of these boys—for they are little more—in this prison to-day ; and I want to give them just one decent chance, so that few, if any, will ever spend another Easter in this gloomy place.
The Home Secretary once said that every prisoner should have five pounds on leaving. I am sure I can, with expert guidance and with your help, set them up for three. 181 x 3 - £548. A lot ; butit would cost more than £17,000 to keep them here for a year. It is the Easter gift I want. —I am, Sir, &c., MALCOLM MACNAUGIITAN, Hon. Treasurer.
The Surrey and South London Prisoners' Aid Society, II.M.'s Prison, Wandsworth, S.W. 18.