I know of no gathering where greater inspiration, concerning possibilities of Empire development,- is obtainable than at the annual dinner of the British Overseas Banks Association, and the last gathering on the 23rd ult. at the Hyde Park Hotel was an exceptionally interesting one. Mr. H. D.. C. Jones, of the Hong-Kong Bank, and Chairman for-the present year of the Association, presided, and. he dealt" in felicitous; but businesslike fashion with conditions in all our Overseas Dominions. By reason, however, of his- association with the Hong-Kong Bank, it is not surprising that Mr. Jones should have dwelt at some length upon our great Empire business interests in China, and while by no means ignoring the grave situation in that country, he was evidently disposed, when taking a far view, to regard the outlook with moderate hope- fulness. Long association with the Far East has doubtless brought conviction that, sooner or later, leaders of China will be alive to the commercial interests of the country, and will put an end to the present conditions of anarchy. Lord Birkenhead, however, who was the chief guest of the evening, was evidently disposed to consider that, having regard to the Bolshevik influences behind the Chinese civil strife, much patience would be required before a real improvement was established.
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