2 APRIL 1927, Page 32

This Week in London


Sunday, April 3rd, at 3.30 p.m. CONFUCIANISM. By Prof J. P. Bruce. At the Quildhouse, Eccleston Square, S.W. 1. Tuesday, April 5th, at 8.30 p.m. TRADITION AND OBSERVA AS BY THE HERBAL 100 B.C. TO A.D. 1500. By Charles Singer.. At the Royal Anthropological Institute, Upper Bedford Place, Rmssell Square, W.C. 1. Also at 8.15 ARTIFICIAL SUNLIGHT TREATMENT. By Professor Leonard At the Pioneer Club, 12 Cavendish Place, W. Thursdiy, April 7th, at 5 p.m. SOME VERNACULAR ELENE IN BENGALI LITERATURE. By Mr. Edward Thompson. Under auspices of the-India Society. At 21 Cromwell Road, S.W. 7. st 5iii.113: HISTORIC STAMFORD. By C. B. Crowther- Beynon. the British Archaeological Association, 22 Russell Square, W.0 Also at 8.30- p.m. WALLOONS AND FLEMINGS. By Louis Pi6 At King'S'College; Strand. Tickets from the Secretary, The P.E Club, '6 Portman Mansions, Baker Street.

• 7 THE DARMSTADT SYMPOSIUM. The programme of the spring session of Cotint Ile Keyserling's School of 'Wisdom., which will be held at D from the, '24th to the 30th April, is as follows , Stuiday,• April 24th, 8.30 p.m., Evening party ; Monday, 11 a.in., Count Hermann Keyserling, Man and the 'Universe and at' 5.30 p.m., Prof. Dr. Hans Much (Hamburg), " The Uniti the Changing World " • Tuesday, April 26th, 11 a.m., Dr. Much (Hamburg), " The Body as Fate " ; and at 5.30 pm., - C. J. Yung (Zurich), " The Tangible Side of the Soul" ; Wednasd April 27th, 11 a.m., Prof. Leo Frobenius (Frankfurt a.M.), Fate of the World and Future of Civilization" ; Thursday, APri'' 11 a.m., Prof. Dr. Max Scheler (Cologne), " The Unique Position Man in the Universe " ; and at 5.30 pan., Count Herman Keyser'. " The Earth Ruling Spirit " ; Friday, April 29th, 11 a.m., Hans .Pririihurri. (Frankfurt a.M.), " The Soul Detached frora . Pirth Leyeir ;. dad at 5.30 p.m., Prof. Richard Wilhelm (Frau° a:M.), "'The Average Man " ; Saturday, April 30th, 10 a Count Hermann Keyserling, " Man in the Cosmic Circle."