2 AUGUST 1940, Page 10

Two motorists who lost their bearings in seeking a small

village made enquiry of an aged countryman. Regarding them with a look of infinite cunning he asked "Be you furriners? " They assured him that they were Britons to the core ; but he was not yet satisfied. "Be you spies?" he continued. They roundly assured him of their patriotism, upon which the old man explained his doubts. "We have to be very careful these days," he said. "You see," and he pointed in one direction, "there's an airio- drome a mile and a half out there ; and," as he swung his arm, "a factory two miles over there, and we musn't talk about they." Then he gave them the road to the desired village. Country folk are often suspicious, but have difficulty in disbelieving a straight statement.