2 AUGUST 1940, page 10

Herbal Drugs The New Value Put Upon English Wild Plants

(especially the dandelion root, with an increase of near:37 a thousand per cent-) has been recorded in this column, but some old local herbalists still neglect money-value in......

Two Motorists Who Lost Their Bearings In Seeking A Small

village made enquiry of an aged countryman. Regarding them with a look of infinite cunning he asked "Be you furriners? " They assured him that they were Britons to the core ;......

A White Invasion Everyone Must Have Noticed The...

of white butterflies this summer. Those who fear for the ruin of their cabbages by the greedy progeny may gratefully remember that these are the only kind that do any harm to......

Harvest England Is Loveliest On The Eve Of Harvest ;

and was it ever lovelier than this year, thanks both to the season and the war? Harvest began in the third week of July ; and is different in some regards from any harvest in......

"rule Britannia"

By J. R. C. FINLAYSON I T might almost be said that too much is known about the origin of "Rule Britannia." Even imagination can weave no intriguing story out of the mass of......

Patriotic Plants

Last week I pulled up the plants from a very unpatriotic bed of asters and sowed carrots in their stead. Hating to kill the flowers, I thrust them into a serried group in a......